Sustainability at Rufflets

Our duty of care to the planet

We are constantly evolving our practises with the aim of limiting the impact we have on our environment. We have ploughed our green energy into our gardens, creating wild flower areas, extending our kitchen gardens and designing a healing garden. 

Organic champions

But that's just the start of our love affair with nature. Many of the fruits and vegetables you eat here have been grown in the kitchen garden, and our meat and seafood is as local as we can find.

Putting it back

We compost all of our waste food, and are taking steps for our soil to be certified 'organic' in the near future. Water from the burns is used to irrigate the gardens, and there is wildlife in abundance in our thriving natural habitat. Read more about our regenerative gardening adventure here.

Stepping lightly

Inside, we are doing all we can to keep our carbon footprint as light as it can be. Due to a number offsetting initiatives, Rufflets first achieved a carbon neutral status in 2007, one of the first hotels in the UK to do so. But we certainly aren't going to rest on our carbon neutral laurels.


In May 2021 we invested in excess of £50,000 in a state-of-the-art boiler system which will reduce gas consumption by over 40%. Now you can enjoy a long soak in a hot bath, safe in the knowledge that the luxury of warmth isn't literally costing The Earth. We are continuing to work further migrate our energy consumption over the next 24 months, so watch this space!